Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Brief Sabbatical

Its been more than a week since I have posted anything on my blog. And no, I shall not offer any lame excuses like been to the US or got married or tigers chased me out of concrete jungles or aliens beamed me up their UFO's, etc, etc. PLAIN LAZY, I have to admit.

Alright, let me see, what have I been upto? Watched "Doctor Zhivago", "Scent of a Woman", "Bawandar" and "The Sound Of Music" and read "The Moon & Six Pence", "Right Ho, Jeeves" and am currently in the midst of "An Equal Music". Hmmm, not bad.

Had a great quiz-night on Saturday. Basically, five of us quizzers met at my place and quizzed for around 3-4 hrs with liberal helpings of meat (non-human variety) and Romanov to keep us company. Nothing beats hard-core quizzing while being inebriated.

Oh, yes. Certain new developments have indeed taken place. So, all in all, things are looking up. Quite literally.

The only regret being missing the Bombay Bloggers Meet on Sunday. SHIT!!!


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